教育・介護・福祉に関わる皆さんほどICT(情報通信技術)の恩恵を受けるべきだと考えますが、 現状では機会に十分恵まれているとは言えません。 弊 社ではICTを活用した各種のコミュニティスクールとコンピュータシステムをご提供しています。英会話、ドイツ語、スペイン語、パソコ ン・タブレット、ダンス・フィットネス、ホビー・カルチャーなど、安価で・簡単に・楽しく・生きがいの持てるプ 次代を担う子ども達、社会を支えるビジネスパーソン、そしてシニアの皆様と施設の皆様方に感動し満足して頂くことで、これからの社会や生活の質が向上していくことを切に願っています。 Our goal as i-ruck Co., Ltd. is to provide delight and convenience for living, work and life to children, parents, those who strive to achieve their goals, elderly people and staff of nursing homes. We think it is the people who are involved in education, nursing care and welfare service that should benefit from ICT (information and communication technology). Unfortunately, they don’t receive it enough in reality. We provide various opportunities for interaction and computer systems using ICT. We have investigated how we can offer programs and classes such as: English, German, Spanish, computer and tablet, dance, fitness, hobby and culture in a reasonable, simple, enjoyable and meaningful manner. We aim to always provide a life and work environment that is more friendly to people by improving the impact, effectiveness and sentiment of our ever updating courses. We truly hope that the quality of our lives and society in the future will improve by satisfying children who are responsible for the next generation, business people who are the foundation of the society, elderly people and staff of nursing homes.
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